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Ministry Distinctives

The Master of Arts in Christian Education degree is designed to prepare students for teaching, leading, and discipleship roles in local church and parachurch ministries.


For my Ministry Distinctives, I have submitted a copy of the Curriculum Plan I developed for the Curriculum Design class at DTS. This curriculum plan displays my ability to plan and implement a full curriculum for a Bible study or Sunday School type setting.

My Curriculum Plan for the Curriculum Design Class taught by Dr. Jay Sedwick

For my Ministry Distinctives, I have submitted a copy of the manuscript I wrote for a short retreat-style teaching that I delivered before the members of the Women Teaching Women class at DTS. This manuscripts displays my ability to interpret and teach a Scripture with a clear outline and points of application.

My 10 Minute Retreat-Style Teaching for Women Teaching Women taught by Dr. Sue Edwards

For my Ministry Distinctives, I have submitted a copy of my Life Story PowerPoint presentation I created for Spiritual Formation at DTS. This presentation displays my ability to reflect on the events, people, and places of my life and see the action of God throughout.

My Life Story presentation for Spiritual Formation


As I developed my Ministry Distinctives, I realized how much I have truly enjoyed seminary and the value of what I have learned. Looking back over past assignments reminded me of what a gift seminary has been. I attended Dr. Sedwick's Curriculum Design class in Atlanta for a weekend intensive. It was such a fun adventure! I learned the careful step-by-step process that leads to a well-designed curriculum. Women Teaching Women was one of the most useful classes I have taken. I applied everything I learned in that class when I created and delivered the teaching for the Central Bible Church Ladies' Retreat. And Spiritual Formation has been an important part of my DTS journey as I have served as both a leader and a Fellow for the department. Creating my life story my second semester at DTS was life-changing as I realized God's work all throughout my life. I had convinced myself I was still that timid second grader hiding on the playground. God clearly showed me the boldness He has developed in me for His purposes.

Lifelong Learning Commitment

As a result of the experiences documented by these artifacts, I will continue to develop in my Christian Education by taking advantage of future learning opportunities.  I hope to audit many DTS classes for as long as I am able. I also hope to attend seminars and conferences regarding Women's Ministry and teaching. Although I enjoyed reading before attending seminary, I have developed a passion for reading now. I plan to read as many books as I can to continue to expand my knowledge. It will also be important for me to stay in touch with fellow students and professors. These valuable people will encourage me in ministry but also keep me sharp as a leader.


As a middle-aged student, in a way I have already demonstrated a commitment to lifelong learning! Who knows? Maybe there is a doctorate degree in my future!

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